
Tuesday, 30 August 2016

This Is Not Only About Me Now...

I'm sure everybody knows that, we will always be the prettiest mommy in the world for our kids, no? At least this is the case for me... For her eyes, I'm so pretty. When I change my hair, when I do my nails, when I wear a nice dress, she will always be the first one to let me know how nice I look. But I also know that, at her age now, she's aware of different types of body and specially the cause of it.

She always loved pretty girls. She a princess type of little girl, always like to wear pretty dresses, put a bit of sparkles on her eyes for special days, wear a few kids jewelry, go in front of the mirror and play with her hair. She also always tells me when she see a pretty woman "OMG mommy look at her, she's so beautiful". Not the type of anorexic non-healthy girl, not necessarily super thin either, but women that clearly are taking care of themselves.

I wish I could be this healthy mommy for her, for them. At one point, she asked me why I had a big belly, and I told her it's because mommy is not eating really well and don't exercise, so I'm having difficulty to loose the weight I gained in the past. And she simply answered (because it's always so simple in a kid's head) ''Why don't you eat healthy food and exercise then?''. I wanted to answer at first that it's not that simple, but in reality, it is. It is that simple. Not easy, but yes, the formula is really simple. And at the same time, what kind of influence does this have on my kids?

And I'm not only talking about the way I look, but my health also. If I want to be healthy for them, with them, the way we live need to change.

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